Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jahn's Easter '12

After a busy morning at church, the girls were ready to get outside, stretch their legs and play!  We headed over to the Jahn's for the Easter egg hunt with the cousins and it was a super fun time.  The egg hunt was full of older kids helping, babies toddling, and 2 tiny babies (Kylah and Shepherd) inside.

Amara and Gideon were good egg-hunting partners--neither one were really aggressive about it and just clueless enough to really enjoy it.

Cora found some of the lower-hidden eggs :)  I'm still not sure she got the gist of it, but next year she'll be all over it!

It was funny to watch how many times the kids had to go over and over and around the same areas, to see eggs that had been there the same time :)

I think Jackson must have hid these eggs, no matter--she was off into the pine trees!

Cora was just as content in the swing--ALL babies love this swing, we can rarely get any of the kids out of it who go in!

Very well hidden eggs, Jackson!

After the egg hunt, we came back in for some creativity time.  Last year, Eric and I started the transition of doing a ceramic egg with Beanie and this year, we thought we'd share the tradition!  So all the mom's came in and did eggs for the tiny babies, and all the kids got into the painting too.  I did one for Cora and Beanie did her own, I can't wait to see them all fired.

Hayliee helped Amara switch out her paint colors and monitored the situation, while she and Hannah perfected their geometric designs.
Love this shot--these two are 3 days apart--I think Sabrina and I actually had the same due date, but Amara was induced early--they are so cute, pretty sure they are asking Grandpa to referee their find here.

We had a lot of fun but a long and exhausting day!  Can't wait for next year.

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