Saturday, April 14, 2012

Swimming with the fishes

After the big rising park egg hunt, Cora's cold seemed to be worsening, so we packed her up to get her home.  Not to be penalized, we decided to see if Amara wanted to spend some time with G'ma and G'pa Young in Lancaster, and of course she did~

I think they played at the park a bit, and I know they hit McDonalds...but there was one big event I don't have any photos of...

I don't know the details of the story, but they had all headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's house to play.  Amara must have been pretty close to the koi pond--she had been warned to keep her distance from it, and was too close.

The recount we got was that in a second, she fell in--she wasn't too upset about it, but she was soaked.  Grandma washed all her clothes, coat, etc. and she got cleaned up and dried off.  By the time they all got back to our house just before 5 (and we heard the story) her things were dry, and the only remnant was Amara's embarrassment of the situation.

We hope this scared her just enough to listen.  She wasn't hurt, and my only concern was whether or not anyone got any photos--but only kidding, as I'm sure everyone was a bit stunned.

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