Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cora's 1 year pro shots

What a ham.  I swear, with each passing week, Cora is just funnier and funnier.  She definitely a crack-up and looks for opportunities to lighten the mood in any situation.  I can also already tell she wears her heart on her sleeve.  If voices are raised for any reason (even happy) she runs to me, eyes wide, turning to make sure everything is ok. So sweet.

She has the most ornery crooked smile too.  As Amara has gotten older, she has a noticeable cross-bite that is structurally there.  Can't tell yet if Cora has one too, or if she's just mocking and trying to make big sister laugh at her (which she most often does.)

Cora is holding up a sucker here she was carrying around most of the shoot, but her character comes through regardless.  Susie did a great job capturing her tiny personality yet again and we are so in love wtih her photoshoot.  Thanks again Susie!

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