Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Swedish builder

No matter what the task at hand, if building is involved, Amara is right there in line.  One day during nap time, Amara and I put a piece of Ikea furniture together for the playroom.  Luckily there are lots of small pieces and she was up for the challenge as soon as I told her what we'd be doing.

She took out each tiny dowel from the bag and inserted it in the appropriate hole with precision. I showed her the directions (which, great for kids have no words) and she understood clearly what each task was.  She followed right along and laid out each completed piece before moving on to the next step just like we discussed.

After inserting the dowels, we got to assemble the larger frame and she loved putting in the large screws.  She got to use an Allen wrench and figure out the tightening and loosening, determining each one as if it were new when she picked them up.  She did a great job and we love Ikea--so I'm sure this won't be the last project!  Such a great job on her Trofast shelf :)  I think I even called her Beanie the Builder a few times as we were working and she thought that was pretty dorky--c'mon mom!

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