Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mother's day weekend part 1

Mother's Day weekend this year was JAM packed.  We started off Saturday by picking up Amara, who had spent the night with grandma Jahn. We took the opportunity to give her the cards and gift we had for her, then we set off on an excursion of our own, strawberry picking.

After berries (and nap) we decided to get outside and enjoy the weather--in the form of an at-home carwash.  Everyone got involved and we all got soapy and wet--we put the girls specialties to work and made light work of washing our two cars, too cute.

After our busy day, we decided to take it easy--we picked up a pizza from Wedgewood and headed to one of our favorite parks.  The girls had a blast swinging and they pretty much had the park to themselves.  They weren't nearly as interested in eating as they were playing, which is fine, and becoming pretty much the norm for the hot weather we've been having ;)

A quick trip home for bath and to bed, more planned for tomorrow, but a great lazy weekend with my family and I couldn't ask for more!

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