Monday, March 25, 2013

Grandpa time

I know
that the girls don't want to hear me telling them how lucky or loved they are anymore than I did at 4 (or 2)...but they are.  I was around the girls ages when I lost my dad's parents and it played a major role on my life.  I am sure they were amazing people--they had to be to raise my dad and his siblings, but I only have fleeting memories of them.  Certainly nothing like my girls get.

On a snowy (or sunny) day, there's almost nothing Amara would rather do that to go spend time with grandma or grandpa and just be with them.  Nothing special, no zoos or build-a bear, just exploring, learning and loving.

probably won't remember half of these moments--a curse I've learned since being a parent--which can also be a blessing.  The parents and grandparents remember it all, while the children glide effortlessly towards adulthood.  Even if she can't recall these moments or days, I pray that she always knows and feels the love she has received from such a very giving family.

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