Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ladybug parent teacher conference

Yesterday marked yet another milestone for Eric and I as parents. Our first parent-teacher conference.

We had had more informal meetings when Amara was at Primrose, but this one involved a full-on analysis, complete with writing samples, commentary, and praise :)

Mrs. Misty had a 20-something page of tasks, samples, and drawings that she'd asked Amara to complete over several sessions.  To no-one's surprise, her writing, comprehension and creativity are right where she should be (or above) for being one of the older kids in the class.

We also learned that she can be a leader at times, follows directions, and likes to help out in class.

One thing we spent a fair amount of time talking about was the way Amara expresses herself. I wondered if we needed to be concerned that Amara really isn't into pretend play or dressing up all that much--Mrs. Misty had a quick answer for us.

"That's just not how Amara expresses herself. She's more creative, free-thinking, and independent. She likes to create.  She loves art, writing and the more art-related crafts." Even on her assessment, she noted that her favorite things were coloring and crafts.

Eric and I were proud as peacocks leaving our brief little meeting. Amara certainly thrives in class there.  Mrs. Misty said that she was grateful to have Amara as such a blessing in her class and said that she was excited to see what new opportunities await her next year.  She even said that she was glad we weren't sending her to school this fall, so she could continue to master her social skill and be at the top of her class, rather than the end of it. 

She said "I can just see Amara as the validictorian of her class and you guys (us) are going to look back and be so glad you waited with her."  It helps us even more think that we're doing the right thing--because we respect Misty so very much.

Yay Beanie!

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