Sunday, October 20, 2013

Amara's first boyfriend, Carlon (he's invisible)...

ah young love...actually, I think they already broke up, I'm not sure, but a few months ago, Amara started talking about Carlon.

Carlon this, Carlon that, Carlon lives far away, but he came and picked her up for lunch today...

(I actually started getting worried about what happened when she was at school!?)  She'd mention him from time to time--the details she gave were comical, but he was a big deal.

When daddy asked about him, he botched his name--I think it was intentional to get her rialed up.

At first, she was very defensive about him, and then, without warning, almost as suddenly as it began, it was over. She told us he "wasn't real, DUH" and hasn't mentioned it. I think it was one of those things were as soon as we paid attention, it was no longer fun for her.  Oh well.

I thought it was cute, and quite imaginative for a 5 yr old...not to have a pretend friend, but a pretend long-distance relationship :) haha.

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