Saturday, October 5, 2013

Amara's first parade (Upward cheer)

I think it was our first night of cheer when Amara learned she was going to get to be in a parade and she was SO excited.  I mean she talked about it SEVERAL times, and I could tell it wasn't just excited for me.

The parade was part of the Arts in the Alley festival on a Saturday morning, which would have been fine, but we got major rainstorms that morning that just wound't pass.  The parade was rain or shine, so we grabbed an umbrella and jackets and headed out to watch our little celebrity.

Did I mention it POURED almost the entire parade? Grandma Cindy was a real trooper, she solicited candy for Cora at any cost. Our friends Tiffany, John and Kennedy were the smart ones under the giant umbrella too.  We had a blast, but could have done without the sideways rain.  

Cora was starting to get a cold, but daddy bundled up perfectly.  She had a front row seat to see sissy and wanted to join the wagon with her as she went by :( Grandma Cindy quickly distracted her with MORE suckers, beads, leis and stickers, so we made it to the end.

The cheerleaders looked great. Some of the older girls did cheers as the wagon passed us, and though they were packed in there, I could see Amara was having fun.

She got to stand with some of her friends from school, who are on different cheer squads, which was fun for her too.  This adventure with Upward has been really fun and a learning experience for all of us with cheer. Not a day goes by that Amara isn't showing her cheers to someone or practicing in the car. It's so great seeing her do something she really enjoys.

She was pretty cute to watch in the parade too, I have to say.

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