Saturday, November 23, 2013

Carving up some pumpkins

Carving pumpkins this year, like pretty much everything for the last few months, was completely random.  We had our pumpkins all lined up in the yard and along the driveway, and last weekend, as the weekend was winding down, we just decided to go for it--no planning, no templates, just go for it in the driveway.
Eric had brought up a few tubs of halloween props to get us started, so he knew where the scrapers and pokers were.  The girls grabbed a pumpkin and just got to it. I think Amara was excited more about the roasting of the pumpkin seeds this year (thanks to a lesson from Sarah about it) so they were scooping goo and tossing it on a pan at lightening speed.
Daddy got into the act, as always and free-formed a lovely Micky pumpkin that they girls loved--to get us all in the Disney mood--a mere 2 weeks away at that point.
We did a few funny faces, a few shapes, and Cora especially liked the potato head witch get-up that one of us must have gotten last year and resourcefully packed with the decorations, that was a score for sure!!
Not a single candle or light have been in the pumpkins yet, but they don't even care. We are so preoccupied with trying to put the house together, get ready for the trip, etc. that by the time we get back, they will not even realize we will get ANOTHER halloween here in Ohio, haha.
We did bring the seeds in.  While I bathed the girls of their dirt and goo, Eric stripped the seeds and got them boiling. Amara went right in and recited the directions Sarah had told her--to use a little OJ, and some salt and to roast them.  Eric (of course) googled full directions and opted to par-boil the seeds first, and they turned out great.  Amara and Cora munched on the seeds while we watched the Halloween episode of Jessie on the couch.  Sometimes those improptu, 'wingin' it evenings are just the best.

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