Tuesday, November 26, 2013

mommy-bean day

For this episode of Mommy-bean day, I won't lie...I strategically planned :)
Amara's school was having a hayride on a Friday at Circle S with her class. It's not her normal day and I wanted her to be able to go, so I had to go with her...so...I took it as an opportunity to set up the whole day and have a go at it.  It was perfect.

We started off at 8:30 at Circle S. It was a brisk day--but she loved seeing her friends and teachers.   We did all the usual stuff--hay barn, doughnut and juice, picked a pumpkin, and with that she was ready to go.

We didn't know how the timing would pan out--so we improvised a bit, but we had an aggressive list for the day--so with one quick call, I got us in for our mani/pedi's and we were set. She'd had mani's with me before, but never pedi's--so that was a real treat.

I also had been wanting to get her hair chalk--Steph had mentioned it to me that she had done it for her daughter Brooklyn, so we hit Bed, Bath and beyond to get some extreme hue chalk, that we tried in the car :)

She wasn't interested in lunch, so we headed over to see Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2.  She loaded up at the theater on popcorn, gummies, and a slushie, so that skipping lunch really paid off.

Next we had to run out and get a gift for g'ma's birthday--since mommy-bean day happened to fall on g'ma Jackie's birthday!

Last but not least, we headed to Cherokee farms to ride Hollywood at the stables. She loved him--he was 14 and very calm, but she learned how to make him stop and go and turn. Very cool for a half hour!.

We picked up g'ma's bday cake and then to see daddy and sis. We had an exhausting but always fun, mommy-bean day as usual, and just like always, it ends with us planning the next one out. I hope she never tires of them.

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