Sunday, August 1, 2010

"Hav'ta aks maaammy"

Considering I've been in my bedroom for the most part of the last month, I've heard some interesting things through these walls.  I can hear neighbors mowing, the garage door--or even tell who is walking in the door just by their walk at this point.

I can also hear Beanie.  A lot.  Our bedrooms share a wall--so whether it's going to sleep, waking up, or just playing, I can hear almost everything she says while she's in her room.

The other night, Amara had woken herself up.  Eric went in to change her--and they were having a really sweet conversation (she is always VERY sweet when she wakes up and she thinks she might get to come out and play, or wants something in particular).  Knowing she'd only been in bed a short while and was very tired, Eric was quick and got her back in bed, but before he could leave, she asked for "more meeeiilk (milk) PLEASE."  Sure.

I don't even remember why now Eric came into our bedroom vs. going downstairs for the milk, but he did.  Amara didn't miss a beat--she noticed that he turned right instead of left--towards our room and yelled "Daddy hav'ta ask maaaamy"--referring to having to ask me if she could have more milk, apparently, considering he didn't go downstairs as he 'should have.'

I was laughing SO hard by the time Eric got into our room, I had to put the pillow sham over my face to stifle my laughter.  I could not believe it!  Not only do we not usually say that kind of thing "have to ask mommy/daddy" to each other, but for her to NOTICE the direction Eric walked, and applying that logic to it?  Hilarious.  Eric and I were both getting a good laugh out of that one. I don't think Eric addressed her statement as he walked past.  I'm not sure, frankly, what you say to that.

Picking up the phone to call mom, I realized the genuine humor in the situation when she said "you should be very afraid of that one."  She is right.  OH BOY.  The new running joke in the house, obviously, "hav'ta ask Maaammmy."

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