Monday, August 6, 2012

Alex' 4th birthday party!

Beanie's buddy Alex from school turned 4 and had her party at the Kingdom of Bounce. Amara was very excited to be invited and couldn't wait to go. We went shopping and got Alex a Barbie--something her mommy said she liked.

Amara picked out (her favorite) shorts and a shirt to play in, and while Cora stayed home with daddy to nap, we headed to the party.  At first things were kind of slow and shy, but before we knew it, they were racing and sliding and having a blast.

Beanie's friend Melina showed up from school too and they had fun sliding down with their stuffed animal friends.

The kids had a blast and enjoyed cupcakes and fruit while Alex opened her gifts.  It was a great party, lots of fun and all the friends had a great time together (except Alex wouldn't get in her group photo, haha)

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