Friday, August 24, 2012

Daddy's 40th bday

40th birthday, Eric!  I was teasing that his cake looked more like a 90, but everyone loved it and it was delish!

I took Eric golfing at Players Club for his birthday, an outing that I swear he must detest--but he said he had a great time, he played well!  We went and picked up the girlies later and all the grandmas and grandpas came over for pizza.

Pizza was short though, with this big old cake around!  The girls couldn't wait to get the candles in and then blow them out.  Cora was smiling and blushing during the singing, the cutest smile ever.

I had to embarrass E a little, and get him a yard sign! I wanted to make sure EVERYONE knew it was our special guy's big day :)  The girls thought the cows were hilarious too.

Amara was such a good helper. Cora couldn't have cared less about the presents, she just played with and entertained all our guests.
After presents, daddy got some special hugs and kisses from his big girl--we never did get a shot of Cora, she just can't be bothered for posing :)  We hope Eric had a good day and birthday, this is the calm one before the BIG party this weekend, so rest up, E!

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