Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pirate park

On one of my days with the girlies in August, we were lucky enough to get to go to one of our fav parks--we call it Pirate Park, even though I think it's really called Henscroth park ;) Miss Sarah was getting ready to leave for Africa and I got the morning with them, so of course we headed outside!

I marveled at how nice it is to hit the parks during the week, when I normally can't take them--the park was all ours, it was incredible!  During the 3 weeks we had the girls, they spent time with Grandmas' Young and Jahn, and Aunts' Kira and Kristin--not to mention great times with mom and dad.  It was a culture shock for me to be able to do things with them on THEIR schedules, not when it fit into ours, such a blessing.

The girls are growing up so very fast, Cora has a sense of humor and attitude enough for the whole family and Amara has intelligence and sensitivity beyond any I've seen. I forget to be thankful for them sometimes in a moment of frustration, but I really enjoyed my time with them--not only this day, or during the break, but every minute of every day.

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