Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cheer banquet

Our first cheer banquet celebration was QUITE overwhelming. It was at Pinnacle and I bet you if there was one person, there were 500 people there. It was PACKED with dressed up girls and their families (brothers, sisters, etc. too).

The weather was beautiful though, so the buffets were outside and the girls did really well, despite all the waiting around.  Cora, bless her heart, couldn't make it to sissy's awards, so daddy took her home, and I waited back. As it was, it was still 7:30 before they got to her team awards, but she stayed, then asked to leave.

We got home late, especially for a Sunday evening, but Amara was happy to show daddy and Cora her medal and trophy and it quickly went right up on her shelf in her room.  She's so proud of it.  She worked really hard on that team this winter--all the girls did, and they earned it.

This pic is of most of the team. I think there were three or four girls who didn't come--but the ones who did looked adorable and were very proud of their team.

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