Friday, April 25, 2014

Kelsey turns 5!!

Amara had been missing her GCCCC buddies, so the invitation to Kelsey's "Frozen" birthday party couldn't have come at a better time.
She's such a sweet girl--from the back, I could easily get the girls confused at school, except for the period when she had a broken arm and a bright pink cast--but the girls were always together.
It was a busy day though--skating, party, Anthony-Thomas factory tour, but we didn't want to miss that party!
The birthday girl was in her special dress and the house looked magical all in blue and white.  The kids played mostly--Amara saw friends (Landon, Cora, and a few I didn't know) from school and they all enjoyed the lovely cake.

Just as soon as it happened, it was over, and we headed on our merry way. I'm sure we'll see Kels again soon at Amara's (not so frozen) beach party in May!

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