Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Rising Park egg hunt

This makes several years in a row that we've done the Rising Park egg hunt.  Not because we love the hunt, but because it's daddy's town, and because G'ma and G'pa Young come out and the girls get to spend the day with them.
We headed down to get there around 10:30 and were surprised to see Kristin and Connor there too!
The girls played on the park a bit (probably their favorite park they have ever been too) and were actually bummed when it was time for the egg hunt...
This year they were in different age groups, so Eric took Amara and I stayed with Cora.  When it was time to go, Cora headed up the hill--but it was strange.  They had just tossed the candy in the yard (not in eggs) and then they had hard boiled eggs in the grass too.  Luckily for me, Cora wasn't near any eggs, but we did get a handful of candies.
As quickly as that, it was over. We all met back up and headed back to the park.  After a little playing, Eric and I left (to go home and clear brush in the yard) and the girls stayed.
When they got home, they told us they wouldn't leave the park. Kristin even went out for lunch and came back.  They did get a little time at g'ma and g'pa's house to rest a bit, but they really just wanted to play outside--so much, that they even went to a different park on the way back home. Busy day!

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