Sunday, August 24, 2014

GC farmer's market and fan fun day

The GC farmer's market started back up in late July after the late spring break, and we were happy to go see all our favorite farmers. It also happened to be the family fun day there, so bonus for us! Early, before it got busy, Cora got plenty of turns in on the slide. 

We did have to wait in line a little bit for the face-painting, but we almost never pass up face painting for them--a favorite ;)

We also got an early morning slushy and played some games while the other kids had turns and before heading over to get vegetables and listen to some local music.

The girls went into the fire safety house--they have been a few times before but always helps to have a refresher--

and friends! Amara's GCC bud Lincoln (whose mom Kay just happens to be a friend of mine from band) caught up to us and we took a tour of the firetruck together after the fire house. The kids had fun playing, Eric and I shopped and visited and just as we were leaving, the skies opened up and POURED on GC for a good hour--but we made it!

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