Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Cora's soccer debut

Cora was totally not sure about soccer--but looking back, neither was Amara really.  What prompted it all was Cora finding Amara's old soccer cleats in a box and saying she wanted to, so we did.  Coach Heather was great as always--cheering her on, but she was just not into it. Amara even sweetly went out and tried to encourage her, but she lost interest.
The girls did have fun playing together though and she enjoyed the warmups and playing with the other kids, but she really didn't to be out there and as started an "I'm shy" phase when it comes to organized activities lately.

It was a long half hour class (three times) but at least the weather was nice and they played on the playground afterwards together.  I don't think we need to invest in any more soccer equipment for now though.

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