Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I wouldn't exactly call the girls fashionable or trend-setting, but they love "fashion" as Cora calls it. Cora LOVES to accessorize and even though Amara asks "why Cora wants to be fancy all the time," Amara does her share of matching as she gets ready for school in the mornings.

Cora doesn't go anywhere without a purse or a bag--that much is entertaining, and these blue hoodies we made to go with the Upward cheer uniforms have been worn more than anything in our closets over the last 2 months!  I think they are so proud that we made them all together.

The girls stole the rhinestones Tiffany put on the megaphones for face decorating and earrings at a game one day...

and Cora picked up these snazzy glasses at Target one trip. I realize I have my hands full, but I really can't deny their cuteness. We don't get every little thing they pick up, but if they use it and play with it and enjoy it, who am I to deny "fashion?"

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