Sunday, October 5, 2014

corn season

The corn this year was bumper crop and perfect!  We enjoyed eating grandpa's corn twice this year--he planted 2 patches!

Eric and I got in on the fun too and put up 15 dozen ears of corn for our winter stash! We had to work hard and fast b/c every strip he cut was almost taken by the 2 mini corn thieves in the kitchen ;)

The girls got to help grandpa pick the corn to sell to some of their friends. We had a few others who wanted to freeze or eat it too, so we set up a mobile selling station out of our car, and deliver!

The girls loved picking with grandpa--filling buckets wasn't hard at all, it took just minutes with our expert corn pickers!

Cora decided the juicy corn was just too delicious to resist too--she husked it and dove right in herself. It was a fight between she and the dogs to finish each ear as she opened them.

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