Friday, October 31, 2014

Picking apples with the Vogt Fam

We were so excited to go picking apples with the Vogt family this year--a tradition we have done before, but especially to get to visit with our friends! It was a warm day, hardly for layering, but great for having fun!

We started in the patch, picking and tasting and sharing and having a great time--they ran and played in the aisles of trees, we hunted and reached and enjoyed the sunshine.

They really couldn't get the apples in their bags or their mouths fast enough--but when the bags got heavy, they just brought them back to mom and dad to carry, perfect, lol.

A quick kid picture pose is about all we could get them to stand still for. Cora had her boots off to ward any bees, but having her bud Johathan there--all was well.

We headed over to the market for some other goodies--Amish cheese, veggies, and apple cider slushies.  We have a pic of them on this big giant chair from 2 seasons ago, so we took another one to compare it to. This may be our last fall of apple picking with the Vogts, at least for a while, so we're so glad we got to do it and really enjoyed it.

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