Thursday, March 26, 2015

cheerlebrity competition

Cheerlebrity was a new competition to us and kind of neat! It was kind of American Idol like, in that the judges gave the kids live feedback on stage after they competed. Amara did REALLY well for herself and amazing for just having come back off of a 5 week broken arm hiatus.  She had a week or two left in the cast, but was healed enough that Dr. Kortney said she was fine to work in some adaptations and get out there and dance.

She rocked her new moves, cast and all--and even got a shout out to "my homegirl rocking the broken arm" by the emcee of the event!  Amara went to the few practices before the competition and worked the hardest I've seen her work. She would get sweaty and complain that the cast was hot--I'm sure it was, but she wanted to press on and get things just right. 

It was a long day though and Cora wanted to stay with sissy and watch more teams so that's what we did. We sat up in the stands and enjoyed our time together, in a loud place but in a quiet way.

They got to spend a lot of time together, had lunch, and played games--bouncing around the convention center. It gave them room to explore and be "big girls," but still have us safe around the corner for them.

Although they placed 6th, the team was looking better than it ever had. Amara still loves the performing, hair and makeup, and costume just as much as the dance and as long as she loves it, we will give up a few weekends a year for hip hop for sure.

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