Thursday, March 26, 2015

cheeseburger challenge

The girls (particularly Amara) are obsessed with "challenge videos" on YouTube and Nerdy Nummies in particular. She loves the pizza and smoothie challenges, but as their tastes aren't exactly THAT diverse, I figured we could start slow and do the cheeseburger challenge, and use that for dinner.

Eric got burgers from Wendy's, McD, Rally's and BK and I sat the girls down with their sleeping masks--no cheating!!

I was so surprised--Rally's was the taste winner hands down, and I think Amara got 2 of the other burgers right in the blindfold/ challenge part! Smart girl and we don't even really have fast-food burgers that often :)

It was a super fun supper and Amara was telling everyone about it for days. I told her we could do a chicken challenge next and she is considering doing an ice cream challenge theme for her birthday. She certainly keeps my mind hopping and I just love making her dreams a reality.

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