Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Payton & Kennedy's recital

Payton asked us to come to her dance recital MONTHS ago--like i'm sure the first day they announced it. It was so sweet how excited she was, so we put it on the schedule. Regardless of it being the day after Amara's party and what else, we were going to do it!
The girls were excited and we talked about it for days. It was on Capital University in Bexley. On the day of, Eric decided to stay home and work on the swingset with Grandpa and we made it a girls day.
Kennedy's ballet and tap were in the first session, then we scooted out and headed to lunch at McD, then came back to the second session for Payton's tap and hip hop numbers. There were some cool wading-type fountains right outside of the performance hall that I let them kick off their shoes for. Wish I could have ;)

Payton and Kennedy looked SO AMAZING!! The girls LOVED watching their friends and as a bonus, Amara saw several friends from school and was cat-calling to all the girls during their performances. Caroline from her class did a few numbers too--I think she was more excited for them than at her own competitions.

We were so proud of them and that we got to see them--even though it was a long day, it was great and we are so lucky to have the Blacks' as friends (and thanks for saving seats!! lol)

I grabbed a quick pic of them as everyone was leaving, what cuties are these four?!

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