Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sailing with the Stephens fam

The Stephens family invited us to Hoover Dam for a sailing adventure/ open house day and we were STOKED to accept!

The day could NOT have been better--well, weather and scene and friends were perfect, but could have used some more wind ;)

We headed up to see their new house and they surprised us that they had bought a boat of their own! That was an exciting start and their house is awesome! We could have stayed all day--but we headed to the Hoover Sailing club.

Probably BECAUSE it was so nice out, it was packed--and I think the calm winds made the boat trips take a little longer, but the kids were very patient. We got our life jackets on and got in line--and after a little waiting we finally were ready to board.

It was so amazingly calm out there! I guess only having been a power boat person, had no idea what to expect. The girls were leaning over the sides trying to "catch" catfish--Amara's hat fell into the water once but daddy rescued it.

But the sun and the wind (when it blew) and all the ropes and sails and waving at our friends was really just an awesome experience and we are SO thrilled Annie extended the invitation to us. They will no doubt be there a ton, so maybe we can go back--I don't think we will buy one of our own (they both grew up in boating families) but we can admire the scenery!

These little 18-20' ft boats were a nice size for the 4 of us and captain Tim--they did point out the kids lessons that Amara JUMPED at. Could she pick a MORE expensive sport? I think Heli-skiing has lessons too, lol. 

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