Sunday, August 1, 2010

4th of July Parade: WABA

We decided to hit up the same parade we did last year, for July 4th.  If we head the back way towards Broad st. you can literally park 100 yards in a parking lot, from where the parade passes by--PERFECT!  

The parade was relatively early, I think 9:30, but having gotten up a little early and it being SO hot, we were anxious for things to start.  Before long, we saw the flashing lights and balloons coming from the West and in a blink it was upon us.  At first, Amara wasn't quite sure about the flying projectiles coming from the floats and walkers--but as soon as she realized some of these were suckers, she was all over it.  Grandma and Grandpa helped collect her goodies while Eric and I took turns pointing out horses and bands and kids.

Something I'd never seen--there were at least 2 groups passing out popsicles and freeze-pops, a welcome treat on a hot day, but I was stunned.

Overall, we really enjoyed the parade.  Lots of planes flying over, things to look at--and of course, candy :)

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