Sunday, August 1, 2010

Big Katz/ breakfast

We don't make as many ball games for the nephews as we used to, that is for sure, but when we can, we go.  A LOT of the weeknight games are late, and the weekend games are either too far away, or fall on nap time.  We lucked out and got an early weekend game, so we jumped at the opportunity.

Unfortunately it was a super steamy, humid morning, so we only lasted a few innings, but so did the big Katz.  :(  After a loss, we headed for the A/C and something cold to drink.

We don't often venture out to restaurants lately--just not worth the 'work,' if you can believe that :)  Inevitably though, there are times when it makes sense, or when we feel like it, and after a VERY hot Big Katz game, we decided to go.  Bob Evans was close, and is usually fast--but not fast enough apparently.  We all tried our best to entertain her as best as we could, but it was so darn close to nap time, we took most of our food to go and headed home.  She did enjoy her lemonade though--and Eric wanted me to share her "humidity hair look."

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