Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Silly uncle Matt!

Fourth of July weekend was Matt's 30th surprise party.  His birthday was actually late June, but as a lot of the family was out of town for a family wedding--Steph planned it for later.  We were all walking on eggshells, making sure not to mention the party, having missed his bday, etc. so we were glad when the big day finally arrived!

After the parade in the morning, Eric golfed with the guys while Beanie and I held down the homefront. Steph needed to get the boys out of the house, and golf is a sure-fire 5-6 hour killer with that group!  We got to the party at dinner time and what a nice party!  Lots of friends and family, and of course (Beanie's favorite) the guest of honor :)  Not to mention, CAKE!

Before cake time, Amara had fun with Addison, she also played with some bubbles and glow bracelets.  She enjoyed the small lawn chairs, fans, and all the other kid-friendly areas Steph had set up for them.  Before she totally ran out of energy, I got a quick shot of her and Mr. Birthday--though she couldn't be distracted from her sucker...

Happy 30th birthday Uncle Matt.  Many happy returns and we can't wait till the next family party!

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