Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cora beating up on dad

I had to jot this story down.

Yesterday the girls had their checkups: 3 years and 3 months.  We expected shots for both, so we played it low key, ordered pizza, and played inside.

Grandma stopped by and took Amara to pick up the dogs, so for a bit, it was just the 3 of us.  Eric was walking Cora around (who was a tad fussy from HER shots) and he started noticing a pattern...

She was waving her big left arm kind of in a windmill motion, in essence clubbing Eric on the shoulder every time Eric would stop walking with her.  Then he'd start walking and she'd stop hitting.  He repeated this for me while I watched several times, and each time she did it.

Doctors say we don't give kids enough credit, but especially with Cora, I've seen time and again her efforts to communicate to us.  She wasn't fussing, and it's POSSIBLE it was all coincidence, but man was it funny.  We're keeping our eyes fixed on this smarty-pants!

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