Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mother's Day shopping

Mother's day for me is all about spending time with my girls.  I don't need or want to go out to dinner, or anything fancy, just something fun with all of us.  This year, Eric surprised me with a number of great treats--a hand made garden stone, complete with Cora's fist print, Mrs. Prindables apples (a favorite for both of us) and a beautiful Lilac bush.

We've been slowly landscaping (and unpacking STILL) over the last few months and we're putting work into the yard as we can.  Eric has it looking green and weed free, now we want to add some pretty things.  Since we moved in August and had no idea what we really had plant-wise, we decided to wait till things bloomed. 

We wanted to go to one of our favorite greenhouses, Oakland, to pick out a nice Lilac speciment to start our back landscaping.  While Eric hunted, I entertained the girls in the play area (so smart) and since we went on a weekday, it was pretty empty!

We also got a rose and peony for my mom (must be where I get the desire for yard work) and headed home with our finds.  Baby sister Cora was asleep in my sling for most of the trip--I'm kind of proud of this self-portrait of us that I snapped while Beanie was playing :)  We also went to my old Elementary school, Harrisburg, to play for a while over the weekend, and really enjoyed the time together with my family.  Thanks honies!

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