Monday, July 18, 2011

4th of July at Primrose; last day in EPK with Miss Shirey

I think this might be our first big classroom event for Amara at Primrose, and ironically enough, it's her last day in her Early Preschool 2 class with Miss Shirey :(  The kids and the school does regularly scheduled events for most major holidays, but with Amara only being there 2 days a week, we miss out on a lot of them that happen on Friday's.

This time it was a Thursday though, and the kids were asked to wear their red, white, and blue to school that day and they all spend their day making patriotic crafts, streamers, signs and learning songs. 
At 3 o'clock, the parade commenced and the classrooms marched out of the buidling and around the yard while the sun pounded down on them. 

They sang songs like Yankee Doodle Dandy and recited the Pledge of Allegiance while all the parents watched adoringly :)  Miss Sarah even met us there with Cora and Jonathan so they could watch and participate too.

After the parade, we went back in her room for cookies and cool-aid.  We enjoyed her teachers (Miss Shirey, Miss Turley, and Miss Q) so much, we'll be sad to move on from them.  Thankfully, mom snapped a few pics for us to capture the memories of her preschool room, and we all enjoyed snacks together.

The birthday wall has all the kids name and they come off the balloons throughout the year as they celebrate.  Her shape will be moving on to Mr. Erickson's class next week where she's an official preschooler and will get to have some computer time, big deal!!

Cora's not quite done hamming it up to be ready for preschool. 

A pretty good shot of all of us--

Handprints make up the stars and stripes for her room.  They do such fun and inventive crafts with all the kids!

Little lady heading out on her own--she asked to go with Grandma as we left, so she did.  I think they were going to grab dinner and spend some time like the old days. 

One last hug?  more likely a "5" ;)  sweet girl.

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