Monday, July 18, 2011

Father's Day weekend

So, i'm a planner.  Sue me. I like to know what expectations are and it helps me stay organized :)

That said, I planned "Father's Day weekend," kind of full this year--my hopes were for:

Saturday: Breakfast, donuts from E's favorite, Reesch's bakery
               Farmer's Market
               Lunch/ Park
               Wash Daddy's car
               Ice Cream Sundae making time
               Miss Sarah's cookout
Sunday:   Breakfast at home (new recipe)
               Scavenger hunt for presents
               Picnic lunch
               Homemade pizza's with the grandpa's and strawberry Pie for dessert...

I'm happy to report the majority of things we tackled/ enjoyed; however, Eric did NOT his ice cream, nor his car washed :)
We did; however, add in an impropmtu trip to Oakland during their thank you sale, since we were at the Clintonville Farmer's Market anyway (where Eric got some yummy cheeses and Amara found a new favorite bakery with awesome chocolate chip cookies) some peonies and a few other pretties too!

The park was fun, we decided on Winterset park near Carolyn's house, since she had my rings and some plants for us--we grabbed Jet's and took it to the park--got some good playing time in before the MONSOON, then enjoyed watching the rain under a big tree too, it was refreshing to get sprinkled on, but considering nap time was close, being drenched required a swift exit :)

The cookout was lots of fun!  We took desserts and Amara played bubbles with Jonathan and mini-cornhole while the adults ate and Eric helped with the grilling too :)

Sunday was more cooking, Eric enjoyed the breakfast and all his gifts.  Amara wanted to "look for more" after I gave him all the scavenger hunt cards that had them all over the house, and then we headed to Stardust lanes in GC for Amara's first bowling trip--IRONICALLY, Eric's first bowling in years, he nailed a 204 game!! Hilarious.

We kind of skipped lunch in leiu of naptime, and I got started on desserts and pizzas.  The grandpas enjoyed their granddaughters and their gifts too, and we all had pie and pizza--Eric even revisited his grilled pizza success from 2 summers ago and it was a huge hit!

I hope he felt spoiled, we all did our best to show him how much he is loved not just this weekend, but every second of every day of the year. Thanks for being an awesome daddy Eric, and thanks to our two great dads too!  Love to all!

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