Monday, July 18, 2011

New bike (lazy weekend)

After a bike day at her school, we decided to upgrade Amara to a bike, from her trike.  We let her pick it out and she picked out a red/pink one, and in 3 days we had it.

We took her to the store to pick out a helmet--they require them at school, so we figured we'd have it, and we came home to get ready.

We surprised her with it, and right away she and daddy got to work inflating the tires and testing it out.  Grandma and Grandpa Jahn stopped by to see the inaugural test ride too!

The training wheels needed a bit of adjustment too--I think they were keeping the rear tire from touching the ground, that'll make it hard to learn!

Grandma Jackie and the girls.  Cora was less than impressed by the whole ordeal, but Amara was excited--though quickly moved on, as with most things lately.  Hopefully though the skinned knees and crashes that will surely follow, she'll love to enjoy her bike as much as I did years ago.

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