Thursday, November 15, 2012

End of an era (Primrose)

Tuesday marked Amara's last day at Primrose, a decision none of us took lightly. 

She started at Primrose in May of 2011, after we went back to work (after our maternity leave with Cora) and she has been there a year and a half since.

She started off with Miss Shirey in the early preschool class and met her first (and still) friends, Irelyn and Landon.  Eric and I remember that day like it was yesterday.  We all remember the anxiety of it and the tears, but also looking back, a year and a half of good memories.

Next was the early preschool 2's and new teachers, Mr. Ericson, Mr. Reese and Mrs. Thompson.  She had some combination of those teachers for about 6 months or so, and met even more new friends, like Alex--gaining her independence as a bigger kid in a new classroom.

We also enjoyed our time with Ms. Cannon and Ms. McClaren, sweet ladies who always had smiles for Amara and hugs--no matter how rough the morning.

After the division of the PreK classes this fall though, and without a teacher whom she'd built a solid relationship with, we started looking for change.  Irelyn had left--having been put in a class without any of her friends, and Landon was soon to follow...leaving not much for Amara to look forward to in the day.  We noticed she didn't seem that happy to go to school anymore, and wasn't really building new relationships or growing.

We wanted our little butterfly back.

So, with that, and a new visit to a new (potential) school, Amara turned the corner to her new school.  She went into school, "one last time," she insisted--saying goodbyes to friends and her latest teacher, Mrs. M...and with that, it's over. 

We have had a lot of great times at Primrose.  We've learned a lot about ourselves, about our family, and about Amara.

She too has learned a lot about change.  About building relationships and making friends.  About dealing with things she/we can't control, and about turning pages.

Thanks to Primrose and all the great teachers who have helped shape and mold her--and us.  We'll miss you.

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