Thursday, November 15, 2012

Trick-or-treat '12: A cold one!

Hurricane storm Sandy blasted Ohio (and the Northeast coast) a few days before Halloween, and while we all braced for the worst, we hoped for the best (weather.)

We didn't get it....though, it wasn't the worst.
The day before Halloween, we actually had snow in the morning it was crazy!
Irelyn and her mom and dad came over and we got everyone ready to go, then out into the cold we went.  It hovered in the high 30's, low 40's with wind gusts and drizzling rain the whole time, but our little ice cream cone, Minnie Mouse, and pink power ranger headed out.
They made it maybe a half hour or so before the bigger girls got cold and got in Grandma Jahn's car.  The older girls layered in coats over their costumes, but Cora was so layered and had the ice cream over top, she didn't even seem to GET cold.  Cora followed shortly after and we all headed home.
After a half hour or so to thaw out, they wanted to go back out!!  Natasha, John and I took Amara and Irelyn while Cora entertained Eric and the grandparents.  The girls hit maybe 10-12 more houses, then were officially done.
Everyone had snacks, queso, pizza and enjoyed all the playtime on a school night ;)  It was a nice end to a cold, dreary, dark Ohio trick-or-treat night.
Our pumpkins welcomed us back home and onto the porch where everyone quickly got inside, shoes off and comfy for some fireplace time.  I really love our jack-o-lanterns...Eric and Amara did an awesome job this year!

The girls crashed (and I heard Irelyn did too) shortly after everyone left, and we packed up the costumes for this year...they were pretty cute though, so I have a tall order to fill for next year!

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