Sunday, June 8, 2014

Amara's 6th birthday, making the cake (and birthday morning)

On the very happy day, 6 years after Amara came into our lives, we all stayed home together and got to do some amazing things together. Amara has been (for the first time, really) been asking for a few things she saw on TV for her birthday--namely sketchers, an American girl, and magic sand :) 

When she got up, I got to work on her cake, but she quickly came down and wanted to jump in--why would I turn that down!? So we mixed and colored and baked and the house smelled amazing, and we had a blast. After baking, we decided to do a present with her before we got on the road to King's Island, Isabelle, her American girl doll ;)

She recognized her at first glance and was so excited! We unpackaged her and she got to work right away putting the purple highlighted pieces of hair on her while we waited on our cake.  After her gift, and the cakes coming out, we sun screened up and got loaded for the car ride. (Isabelle came too)

We left the cakes to cool and head for what would be an incredible day, but were happy to get home to finish and frost (and eat of course) our masterpiece. Amara chose chocolate--and the cake had plenty of color without anything else. She helped me frost it, and with a few candles, we were ready to celebrate!

 The cake was great, the day was better, but our girl was the best part by far ;) Love baking with Amara, especially on her birthday and now with her friend Isabelle to help too.

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