Saturday, June 7, 2014

Amara's preschool graduation

Ms. Christie at Grove City Christian was kind enough to reach out to us and ask Amara to be a part of her preschool class graduation. We were so excited to be a part of it and the grandmas and grandpas were there to join us.

Her class sang three songs during the ceremony and then Amara got to walk through the arch and was presented her certificate from Ms. Ashley.

They read some notes from each of the kids and Amara's about her career was to be a veterinarian--something not at all surprising to us :)

Amara was thrilled to see some of her classmates and teachers there during the evening, and we showered her with flowers and pictures throughout the night.

Things did go late though, so we quickly got home and to bed afterwards while the grandparents went to dinner--but we are so, SO proud of her and were just thrilled to see our baby girl so happy.

Now onward and upward to kindergarden!

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