Saturday, June 7, 2014

Mother's day 14

Eric came up with some awesome activities this year for Mother's Day and I really enjoyed it. Saturday, we all went up to the movies--and had dinner at the movie with grandma and grandpa Jahn, Rio2.  The girls were pretty good, a little squirmy at the end, but they made it.

Sunday, Eric told me he had planned for us to go out to Young's dairy farm for the day--a perfect day at that. We got to do so many fun things--the girls rode in a barrel train, fed goats, Eric and I hit at the batting cages too.

There was an area with tunnels, a bounce house, putting green and bales of hay too--they loved that, and the giant slide I'm pretty sure could have entertained them all day long if we let them.

The boots we got them last weekend came in handy with all the climbing, and the lunch and the ice cream we all had at the buffet after playing was scarfed down for sure!

The girls gave me the most AWEOME piece of artwork that Eric helped them make with Sarah too--i LOVE it and it's already hanging next to my bed. I can't wait to see it every morning and night forever. I LOVE IT!!
I'm so thankful to have had an awesome day with my favorite people and loved what Eric and the girls planned. I'm sure we will go back again. Eric loved the ice cream and we got plenty of treats to take home too. It was really a great day and I am so lucky to be a mom to two amazing girls.

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