Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas afternoon with the cousins

Amara has 3 cousins, our nephews--Kalvin, Jackson & Garhett, or as she calls them "K, Jax, and G." After they'd had Christmas at their house, (and we at ours) we all went to the Jahns' for their Christmas together.
Amara really loves those boys and we knew she'd have fun watching them open and play with their gadgets, which she of course did. They were such a whirlwind of trucks, games, paper, etc. that I think she didn't know who to watch first!

She ended up with G's new helmut on, which was pretty funny in itself...then they all went into the basement to play with some new toys and old. ALSO--I didn't get a picture of it, but Jackson was playing with one of the helicopters we got him in the family room. Amara thought it was clearly the funniest thing she'd ever seen--so, the next day, dad had his charged up and ready for her--and has been entertaining Amara with it every day since then.

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