Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fun w/ Grandma & Grandpa

Amara spends a TON of time at Grandma & Grandpa Jahn's house and has a TON of fun there too! Especially after dad is done for the busy season, she gets them both all to herself, at least part of most days.

She loves the dogs, and Smoky particularly loves her back. Max is fine with her--but she and Smoke have a bond it seems. That dog, I swear--he lets her do ANYTHING to him! When she was little, Smoke would even let her pull herself up on his FACE! no kidding!

She also gets to do a lot of 'day-to-day' house stuff at mom and dads. She loves exploring and finding things, and when she does--she finds uses that suit HER needs best. Case in point, I believe this gray doggie bed used to be Ilys. She found it, and of course, it's a favorite spot now.

In addition to stuff "around" the house--she of course is outside 90% of the time, as weather allows. On this particular day (apparently) to rake leaves, grandma decided to dress her either as barney, a teletubby, or an oompah-loompah, i can't decide which...but it's apparently great for raking leaves!

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