Sunday, January 24, 2010


It's REALLY hard to believe we've been going to swim class (Eric, Amara and myself) for over a year now. Back in late December/ early January LAST year, we started the swim classes at at the Grove City Y. Then (and up until November of this year) we did the 9 o'clock class...but now, with her sleeping in later, and naps being slightly later, we've opted for the 11:40 class--

We enjoy getting up, having breakfast, then heading upstairs to put on Dora swim-pants and her Elmo bathing suit, to go and see Miss Kaylee (the teacher). Kaylee can't be more than EARLY 20's, cute as a button, and has been her teacher since we started...and man does she connect with Amara! Just yesterday at class, Kaylee came over to check in with Amara and held out her hands (Amara was standing on the side of the wall) and said "jump!" and in Amara went right to her! No hesitation at all!

Her class is anywhere from 1 (it has happened that she was solo once or twice) to as many as 6 kids (plus parents) in the pool. Our FAVORITE weeks are when we get to use the tiny therapy pool where it's got to be 80 in there and feels like a giant bath! She immediately grins and just gets comfy and starts playing. Her favorites are the barbel--both for chewing on (for some reason) balls, and now most recently--getting the rings off of the steps--a feat she was MOST intimidated by a year ago.

What a little fishy we have!

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