Sunday, June 27, 2010

Father's Day part 3: Easton

As the crowning finish to our Father's Day weekend bonanza, we had planned to head to Easton for a carriage ride.  They don't do carriage rides all time, but they have them for things like Valentines Day, Father's Day, Sweetest Day, etc.--and I figured what better Daddy/ Daughter moment than this, right?  WRONG.

We had started the afternoon by driving down to the Lower Cauldwell farm, to visit Grandpa Jahn (he really is driving the combine, but he's tucked between Eric and Amara in the shadows).  We'd heard earlier that he was combining wheat and wouldn't be able to break to see us (we had planned dinner and the traditional cheesecake w/ him) so we took him a chocolate milkshake for now... :)  Eric and Amara did a pass or two and got to sit while dad unloaded, so it was fun.  We also hit Lombardi's (a Jahn family, and now Young family favorite) for a quick snack, then headed for our horsey ride.

Arriving, I headed to where the pick up location was supposed to be--and saw barriers, but no horses.  I made a lap around Easton and parked--but still no horses.  We finally asked a police officer who said 'they just cancelled on us TODAY.'  Are you kidding?  So, after the drive over, all the hype and planning, no carriage ride.

We had, however, passed the big fountains by Smith and Wollinsky, which caught Amara's eye--so we headed there.  Not there 5 minutes, the bicycle cop came by and told us that the fountain is untreated and advised everyone there not to get in it.  This is getting better...

LUCKILY, (genius) Eric remembered the fountains near Brio--which was ALSO on my agenda, but with all the disarray, I forgot--I could have kissed him.  We quickly rushed through Easton, bustling past build-a-bear, random other shops, on a quest to save the trip and visit the fountains.  One funny moment (amidst my frustration) was that upon walking through Easton, Amara was in awe of all the chandeliers and people and lights, and yelled "I 'member this place!"--Eric and I both looked at each other and said "you do?" (cause I'm pretty sure we've not been there in the last year, if EVER with her :))  cute.

We got to Brio and JACKPOT!  Kids, water, fountains, perfect!  She loved it!  She wanted her clothes off--which, being a newbie at this, didn't realize people actually WEAR BATHING SUITS there :)  She settled for having her shoes off, and being allowed to get wet head to toe.  She ran, and splashed and let it hit her in the face, and splashed--occasionally running back to us and saying "have great fun" ...which just melts my heart xoxo.

She played for quite a while--and around 6, we headed off to grab a snack and head home.  Again, because we're not Easton regulars, we didn't' realize the place shuts down like a ghost town at 6!  Everything was closed--but luckily as we passed Aunt Annie's, we were able to grab a pretzel and a Lemonade--perfect.  We snacked and enjoyed all the way home, and even though we had a few bumps, the visit and the day were a great ending to Father's Day weekend.

Happy Father's day to Eric, a wonderful father and amazing dad--from a very lucky wife and little girl.   We love you so much.

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