Sunday, June 27, 2010

Litte Gym Graduation

First week of June was Amara's Little Gym Graduation/ show week.  I can't believe she's already been through 2 sessions!  It seems like we just started those sessions not to long ago, but I guess it's coming up on a year!  I'm so very lucky and happy that Grandma Jackie takes her there every week--she has such great coordination, turns almost any "plank" into a balance beam, and climbs over almost anything in the blink of an eye--oh, and don't get me started on hanging on bars and rings!

Class began with playing on the air-trac, something Amara really enjoys now, but was timid about at first.  The kids all ran down and bounced all the way, chasing after Miss Amber.  The rest of the day was a usual class, so playing with bars, doing wheelbarrows, climbing obstacles, walking the beam, etc.  

At last, it was time for the medals.  Miss Amber makes a platform and stairs for the kids, and they walk up, get a medal and then they do a class picture.  Probably the funniest thing ever, Amara did this 2-hand wave thing as she was getting her medal, it was the only time we've ever seen her do it, and hilarious.  Fall session doesn't start up again I think till August, so I'm sure after the break, she will be happy to see all her old pals again.  She and Grandma have enough going on over the summer to take a short break, but I can't wait to see what she'll get into!  I am amazed at what she learns each week and then comes home and is somersaulting and wanting to wheelbarrow around the living room, it's great!The class ended with songs and stamps, which I believe were stars--mom told me a funny story...I guess one week, Amara decided to ask for stamps on her feet, which led to the other kids asking for the same, so instead of each kid getting a stamp on one hand, or maybe 2, now they all line up and get stamps on each hand and each foot too!  (I'm sure Miss Amber could do without that :))  Congratulations Beanie, the "Big Beast--which, I'm not sure if she'll still be a Beastie in the fall or not..."!...but, great job and we are all so proud of you!

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