Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas (Eve) Traditions

We had it on good authority (from Santa Dennis' visit) that we needed to prepare for Santa's arrival this year-- so with that in mind, we lovingly prepared our Santa treat plate.  We made sure to include carrots and raisins for the reindeer, as well as Santa's favorite chocolate cookies for a snack. 

After getting that ready, Eric was excited to kick off his new tradition of growing candy canes for Christmas morning.  He'd heard this from a friend last year, and we thought Amara was still too little to understand--but we tried it this year.  He got a sweet red and silver striped vase to use, filled it with potting soil, then waited for Christmas eve night.

He brought Amara a handful of starlight mints.  As we all unwrapped them, he showed her how to place them in the soil.  After getting just the right amount in there (5) he gave her his special concocted watering agent to add (red, silver, and green colored glitter in a shaker container) and she watered her mints with magic dust.

We placed the vase up on the mantel and told her to be sure to check it in the morning, that Santa might leave a surprise for her, and went to bed...

the next morning, she didn't exactly remember and come charging to examine it, but once Eric reminded her and they did go check on them, she was excited to see the newly grown candy canes that had magically sprouted overnight.

Thanks daddy.

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