Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"What did you ask Santa to bring you?"

Thanks to our good friend Susan, we learned of this great event she and her charity group put on in GC, a breakfast with Santa.  So the day after getting our tree, we got up, got dressed, and headed to the Elks for breakfast!

We got there and it was already packed at 9 a.m.!  (Apparently only the rookies come at the assigned start time to these things)  We found seats (and Susan) and Amara dug into her sausage and pancakes...but quickly spotted the big guy up front.

The DJ encouraged us to get in line, that it would be longer later, so we headed up to the front.   They also had a Secret Santa shopping room for kids (super cute) but we didn't figure Amara would really 'get' that, so we passed.

I don't think she really had much opinion of visiting Santa himself, but she went right up to him and sat there for a brief chat, before returning to finish breakfast ( I guess uneventful is a GOOD thing at 2 and a half).  I took her to the cookie table to decorate one--she choose blue (of course) and put a few sprinkles on, before delivering it straight to her mouth!

  I don't think we stayed much over an hour, which was fine--it was a great time and close to home, so we headed to Straders to look at the trees.  As we headed down the road, Eric asked Amara "What did you ask Santa to bring you?"  I'm not sure how we phrased, or rephrased it, but her answer quickly was "PRESENTS!"...from the mouths of babes...

at least we know we can meet that request for this year, right?  sweet girl.

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