Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cora's 1st swim class!

As we did with Amara, we decided to start Cora in swim class this fall at the Y.  Beanie's class is first in the morning, so we patiently watched her, then moved on to Cora's class.  This time though, daddy didn't join us because he had to occupy big sis.

Most of the class is really teaching parents "how" to teach their kids in the water.  The class is 6 months-3yrs so it is a big range.  Amara sat on the sidelines and watched us, but Cora loved it!  She didn't get upset at all and just let me hold her and move her all around.  We looked at shapes on the ceiling and played with toys too.

She even went after the balls when we tossed it out for her--with me leading her of course, but her little legs and arms were kicking away!

I think it was hard on Beanie watching me be in the water with Cora.  Since it also marked the first time for Beanie to be in the water with just her teacher.  She didn't complain, but she seemed confused.  I can't wait for them both to be older and we can all enjoy the water together!

Just as much as Amara wanted to be with Cora, Cora wanted to get to Amara, nothing new here.  She was enjoying her time and the teachers (also a Miss Sarah) were great, but we were all glad to get on the way out to the car and enjoy our Saturday together too!

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