Saturday, December 31, 2011

Closing words on 2011 from mommy

New Years's eve was non-traditional by many standards, but perfect for us.  We stayed home, played games and celebrated with cupcakes.  It ended VERY different from how the year started off, namely with 4 of us, instead of 3, but in a house full of love, laughter and fun.

As I look back on the year, 2011 had its share of highlights.  Of course, Cora's welcome to our family on February 17th in record time and the 3 months at home we all got to spend.  Followed by the miracle of finding Ms. Sarah, and her addition to our family as well.  We feel so lucky and fortunate to have found her!!

Summer was warm and brought it's share of challenges for us.  Eric and I went back to work and we learned to juggle being the parents of two lovely girls, who attended both preschool and Ms. Sarah's. Amara started preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Primrose school, just up the street, and we enjoyed many activities and events with her there.

We welcomed cousin Coulter Young to the family in June.  We enjoyed the long summer days on the trampoline and used a lot of sunscreen!! 

How could we forget too, the first and possibly only earthquake felt in Ohio.  On Tuesday, August 23, a 5.9 magnitude earthquake occurred in Virginia, and I felt Whitehall Ohio.  I was on the 7th floor of the DFAS building and Eric didn't feel it (on the golf course) nor did anyone in Grove City that I asked--but we did at work.

The fall was a juggling act of activities both familiar and new for both girls.  Soccer, music, dance, swimming, and gymnastics invaded the Young household and taught us all valuable lessons about time, natural abilities, and priorities.  We also hosted our first (and hopefully) not last family bonfire with friends and enjoyed nice seasonal weather late into the fall.

The start of Winter and all the fun of watching the girls start to (gasp) ACTUALLY develop a relationship with one another is pure magic.  I feel so VERY lucky to have the family, life, job, home, etc. that I/we have and can only imagine what 2012 will bring for us.  We're already feverishly planning Cora's first birthday--a Winter ONE-derland, and can't believe our first baby will be 4 :(

2011 was amazing, and here's to another amazing year ahead.--love, mom

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