Saturday, December 31, 2011

Words from Mrs. Sarah on 2011

I have been so blessed to be able to begin caring for Amara and Cora this year!  They have quickly eased into our family dynamics.  Amara is such a fun-loving child who is beautiful both inside and out.  She is a very smart girl as well, not only with her colors and letters but with things like empathy and feelings.  One memory that will always stick with me is when my mom came to visit.  My mom told her that she needed to leave to get back to her husband so he wouldn't miss her.  After much thought Amara looked at her and said, "You must really love him."  That really just blew us away!   Cora is a girl who loves to be snuggled and loved on.  She is so cute with all of her facial expressions and the way she verbally communicates with is down right precious!  It has really been thrilling to watch her grow and learn new abilities almost daily.  She has really kept me on my toes.  It is really amazing how our two families met at just the perfect time.  Timing is truly everything and God is never late!  I am excited to see all that the new year brings to these two most precious girls!!
Ms. Sarah

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